Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

SIDF promotes a risk management mindset that helps in overcoming all obstacles and achieve set strategic objectives smoothly and productively. Enterprise Risk Management serves as a catalyst for efficiency and effectiveness by cultivating awareness in all departments and creating a conducive integration on the operational and administrative levels through the following

Financial Risk Management Division

This division is responsible for managing, embedding, and monitoring SIDF's risk strategy, risk appetite, and tolerance limits through integrated models and methodologies. It has multiple responsibilities, such as:

  • Assessing policy frameworks for credit, market and liquidity risks at SIDF
  • Analyzing risks of any new products to SIDF
  • Performing a periodic risk assessment for strategic and reputational risks

Operational Risk Management Division

Install and implement effective Operational Risk Management (ORM) following robust frameworks and tools for the identification, measurement, and monitoring of operational risks. It realizes such objectives by:

  • Reporting operational risk incidents and potential losses to senior management on a regular basis and providing recommendations on corrective measures to prevent recurrences
  • Contributing to the development of fund-wide and department-specific Key Risk Indicators to monitor key operational risks
  • Developing, implementing, reviewing and maintaining SIDF’s Business Continuity Management Program

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